Thematic Units
Links Verified 5/11/2016
Body Parts:
- Aliens - Create your own alien by clicking and dragging parts from the box on the left to the box on the right. May be scary for some children.Click on the skip intro button.
- Emotions - Faces with different emotions expressed. Students could create a story about each one.
- Animal Sound Game - Click on the triangle [
] to hear sound, then click on the animal that makes that sound.
- Animal Themes - Numerous activities and a variety of animals.
- Farm Animals - Online story. Audio available but you must click on the sound file to start sound on each page.
Spatial Relationships
- Left, Right, Up, Down - Help Eudora find her friend's house.
- Sizes - Click on objects to choose bigger or smaller objects
- Spatial Concepts - Illustration of various spatial relationships. Use as examples of up, down, through, etc. A few are interactive so children can move pieces to show spatial concept.
- Spatial Concepts - Biggest, Tallest, Shortest, Widest, Narrowest; then a click and drag activity to put the items in order. (British accent and pronunciation)
- Crawford puts on his coat - Crawford tells a tip for putting on a coat!
- What shall I wear? - click on the right clothes for winter
- Season's Song - activity sheet and words included on the site.
Community Workers
- Who's at the Door? - Two community workers are presented, students decide which one is described.
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